Forums - N e ideas on how to beat a cheap iceman? Show all 32 posts from this thread on one page Forums ( - Strategy & Tactics ( -- N e ideas on how to beat a cheap iceman? ( Posted by BrEaThE ~525~ DeEp on 01:10:2001 12:49 AM: well recently i was playing this guy that used magneto iceman and pshylocke...i was using spiral cable and cyke...yea i know..duc uses this team to...n e ways...spiral was a character i really wasnt familiar with...dont get me wrong im not no scrub..but hey..i'm just now learning how to use her n e wayz...i really could get near him because of his icebeam and i tried to chip and teleport but somehow his psylocke just gets me...n e ideas on how to beat this guy? (NO...he's wasnt really a scrub cuz could he countered my moves and did tempest combos....well..things changed once i brought out my mag...but how can i beat him with spiral? Posted by acidboy on 01:10:2001 01:09 AM: I have played a guy using cable, iceman, and admantium wolverine. The lesson cheap beats cheap so just whip out AHVBx3-5 that will show them Posted by Iceman on 01:10:2001 01:32 AM: Spiral can beat Iceman, you just have to be VERY patient. Wall of Swords kills Iceman. Iceman will take chip damage from the swords, so get the wall going, and have someone to help you trap (Doom, Cable, Blackheart, etc.) and you should own Iceman with Spiral. Don't even worry about getting close, just get the wall going and he won't have a chance to shoot Icebeams. And Magneto shouldn't be able to hit you with any assist IIRC. Posted by Azn Bomber on 01:10:2001 08:09 AM: quote: Originally posted by BrEaThE ~525~ DeEp: well recently i was playing this guy that used magneto iceman and pshylocke...i was using spiral cable and cyke...yea i know..duc uses this team to...n e ways...spiral was a character i really wasnt familiar with...dont get me wrong im not no scrub..but hey..i'm just now learning how to use her n e wayz...i really could get near him because of his icebeam and i tried to chip and teleport but somehow his psylocke just gets me...n e ideas on how to beat this guy? (NO...he's wasnt really a scrub cuz could he countered my moves and did tempest combos....well..things changed once i brought out my mag...but how can i beat him with spiral? A good Cable will usually DESTROY Iceman. A tiger knee AHVB will countered a blocked ground Icebeam if done fast enough. (This applies also if you fight Iceman air-to-air). This punishes Iceman for using his most valuable special move, which severly limits Iceman's offense. Winning Isn't Everything But Losing Isn't Anything. Posted by AZER on 01:10:2001 08:21 AM: Traps will kill Iceman. Strider/Doom , Sprial trap, etc. Just wait for an opening and hit them with everything you got. Iceman is a very good defensive character like Doom. Posted by COMBO FIEND on 01:10:2001 08:58 AM: Spiral owns iceman. All you have to do is teleport and hold jab so you be in the air then call swords, that way the icebeam can't hit you. Then land and throw swords slowly, so you can conserve swords, but space it right so no icebeams can come out, then assist, then reload. Also another good tactic would be so super jump and do a qcb+rdhs then assist with cable, then teleport and hold one of the punch buttons (preferably the one that gets the further away from the opponent) then call swords and land and begin the knife trap. Also against this particular guy if you would just run in and get close he would assist with psylocke, so you should run in and do nothing then when he assists, bam cyclops, then call swords and trap him. Posted by God_of_Poop on 01:10:2001 09:03 AM: Hmm Iceman is dead by the time spiral throws her first swords. How did he pevent you from getting swords? And you had Cable Cable ownz iceman for free cant even do a move without getting killed Posted by DUECE on 01:10:2001 10:45 AM: quote: Originally posted by God_of_Poop: Hmm Iceman is dead by the time spiral throws her first swords. How did he pevent you from getting swords? And you had Cable Cable ownz iceman for free cant even do a move without getting killed ice beam through WoS...iceman with the lead...then it's cable who gets owned for free Posted by DrunkinB on 01:10:2001 10:59 AM: just cheap him back!!! "I'll dazzle your brain!" Posted by Dance_Floor_Pro on 01:10:2001 11:38 AM: hehe i say u pick a non cheap tactic (IN MY MUTHAFUKN OPINION OF WUT IS CHEAP) and master it... with spiral.. u first gotta super jump and do wall of swords... after that... just keep blokcin and teleporting above him or behind him... and watch out for the assist.. block his assist.. and block his icebeam.. be very patient... and then toss ur swords... try to repeat it.. call like a good helper to keep him pinned... otherwise, u can walk over to his side.. smack him on the back of his head, and play him with IN MY OPPINION OF WUT IS SKILL( SO FUK OFF) and im sure his iceman will stop beaming... if not... put in another quater into the game so ppl kno ur playn next.. stand up.. pick up ur seat.. walk over there.. and waste it on him.. and politely put ur seat back on ur side and play him... im sure that tactic will leave him wtf or hurt long enuf for his iceman to do ABSOLUTELY NOHTING =) Posted by DeadlyRaveNeo on 01:10:2001 09:51 PM: If you have Duc's team and it doesn't work for you, then you better play them the same way Duc does, Spiral trap etc. From what I've read, you aren't controlling your teleport properly, its like several points in the scren that she can teleport into. and oh yeah, Super Jump to initiate swords, its much safer. Posted by God_of_Poop on 01:11:2001 07:04 AM: quote: Originally posted by DUECE: ice beam through WoS...iceman with the lead...then it's cable who gets owned for free How so? iceman cant even duck in the corner blocking safley against cable Posted by DUECE on 01:11:2001 07:11 AM: quote: Originally posted by God_of_Poop: How so? iceman cant even duck in the corner blocking safley against cable please enlighten me on this poopy Posted by God_of_Poop on 01:11:2001 08:30 AM: quote: Originally posted by DUECE: please enlighten me on this poopy Lets see just about all his moves all AHVB'able and if iceman has the lead and starts to turtle Cable can do his best to pixie and try to throw iceman or land C.short forward roundhouse AHVB (or snapback). If you look at it Cable just about beats Iceman for free Posted by DUECE on 01:11:2001 10:21 AM: quote: Originally posted by God_of_Poop: Lets see just about all his moves all AHVB'able and if iceman has the lead and starts to turtle Cable can do his best to pixie and try to throw iceman or land C.short forward roundhouse AHVB (or snapback). If you look at it Cable just about beats Iceman for free heh...cable CAN'T pixie and why does iceman have do any moves (which most are AHVB'able) when he as the lead?? he can just block all day and jump or tech any of cable's throw attempts..peace out cable Posted by Iceman on 01:11:2001 10:21 AM: Well, Cable will have a hard time with Iceman if Icey has a nice lead. I'd just super jump around like a damn fool. At worst, I'll eat ONE AHVB, at best I kill time and win. And I have a question for Duece, how the hell will Iceman get an Icebeam through the Wall of Swords? If Cable can't AHVB his way out of it, then NOBODY is going to beat through it (Storm doesn't count, she cheat )! Posted by DrunkinB on 01:11:2001 10:28 AM: Iceman will can Icebeam b4 the swords hit him and then could hit spiral unless she has a good asisst to help punish Iceman Posted by pinoy6i9 on 01:12:2001 01:22 AM: all i can say is to try and AHVB tiger knee style after a ground ice beam. you will need to do it fast because if you wait too long, iceman will be able to block it so it has to be done with the quickness. if you cant to that, then you are pretty much screwed because there is no other way of killing iceman but by that. that is unless you can do the guard break when he comes in. and if you can do that then you are all G double O D...... "Doesn't it feel good to pay less?" Posted by BrEaThE ~525~ DeEp on 01:12:2001 02:59 AM: start off...i have used all the strategies mentioned above. yes...he ice beamed me before i could get out wall of swords...he hits me before i threw my third sword... if i start of with cable...he has a good assist to back him up and chip me while he starts running...he then pretty much turtles the rest of the match winning by time. That is spiral is still not where i want her to be at(skill wise) i still dont know the proper strats for her...and everything..just the usual of sj and calling out swords...but how do i do wall of swords...(details) and safely get the trap going...i didnt even know u could trap with spiral as point and cable and cyke as can n e one elaborate? thanx. oh yea...his DHC really deals a whole shit load of damage. Posted by DrunkinB on 01:12:2001 03:01 AM: Too think about Iceman isnt really cheap hes just made that way as a characters aint his fault his moves are limited, as Icebeam, and the Boulder!!! Posted by God_of_Poop on 01:12:2001 06:36 AM: quote: Originally posted by DUECE: heh...cable CAN'T pixie and why does iceman have do any moves (which most are AHVB'able) when he as the lead?? he can just block all day and jump or tech any of cable's throw attempts..peace out cable Then why are 75% percent of ahvb landing happen though a simple 3 hit combo ending with a standing roundhouse? Do you still jump back and throw firece viper beams every 5 seconds? Posted by DUECE on 01:12:2001 07:16 AM: quote: Originally posted by God_of_Poop: Then why are 75% percent of ahvb landing happen though a simple 3 hit combo ending with a standing roundhouse? Do you still jump back and throw firece viper beams every 5 seconds? but i'm asking HOW is cable even gonna land that *simple* 3 hit ending in AHVB?? all iceman has to do (with the lead) is run away and sj (to avoid guard crushes). the ONLY thing cable can do is throw a grenade or throw cuz cable can't cheese shit against iceman...but that should be obvious to the iceman player and he can just dash under the grenade or sj out and tech most (if not all) cable's throw attempts Posted by Iceman on 01:12:2001 12:12 PM: Ok, Spiral vs. Iceman. Try this, (Since you have Cable beam, I'll use him in my example), Call Cable and super jump. If Iceman does not go up with you, call swords. Throw 2 or 3 swords as you land, 2 (or 1 if you chose 3 as you landed) on the ground, then 2 as you jump up. Call Cable as you throw, or just before you throw, sword #6, and call more swords when you are at the peak of your jump. Once you get your second set of swords, throw 2 as you fall, 2 on the ground, 2 as you jump up (call Cable) and call more swords. Rinse, repeat, watch Iceman die. Could anyone help me out with the timing of when to use Cable. I don't use Cable with Spiral, I use Blackheart If Iceman goes up with you teleport and appear in the opposite side of him (i.e, if he's on P1 side and super jumps straight up, you appeart far top right. If he super jumps towards you, teleport to where he came from. Just get away from him.), call swords as he falls harmlessly to the ground, and do what I said above. If Iceman has an opening to use a super or Icebeam, teleport through it. Icebeam, teleport and hold whichever punch puts you opposite him. Arctic Attack, teleport behind him and kick his ass. Remember, he takes block damage from swords! Posted by God_of_Poop on 01:13:2001 04:08 AM: quote: Originally posted by DUECE: but i'm asking HOW is cable even gonna land that *simple* 3 hit ending in AHVB?? all iceman has to do (with the lead) is run away and sj (to avoid guard crushes). the ONLY thing cable can do is throw a grenade or throw cuz cable can't cheese shit against iceman...but that should be obvious to the iceman player and he can just dash under the grenade or sj out and tech most (if not all) cable's throw attempts \ Heh you can run throw cable without an air dash J.firece and gernades destroy your area to move around and your're forgetting about assits with a good chip assit Iceman has no chance against cable 1 on 1 just takes longer belive cable will beat iceman since iceman is not fast enough and does not have an air dash Posted by Goku on 01:13:2001 07:22 AM: quote: Originally posted by DUECE: but i'm asking HOW is cable even gonna land that *simple* 3 hit ending in AHVB?? all iceman has to do (with the lead) is run away and sj (to avoid guard crushes). the ONLY thing cable can do is throw a grenade or throw cuz cable can't cheese shit against iceman...but that should be obvious to the iceman player and he can just dash under the grenade or sj out and tech most (if not all) cable's throw attempts It's a different situation if cable has supers, if he has about 3 supers, icemans basically fucked. But 1on1 and cable didnt have any supers, cable can still jumping hp, lp viper beam etc etc.. iceman loses, it depends on the skill of the person. Posted by *Project$$Pat* on 01:13:2001 11:32 AM: Cheap iceman hunh?Use someone with fire Posted by DUECE on 01:13:2001 12:11 PM: quote: Originally posted by God_of_Poop: [QUOTE] Heh you can run throw cable without an air dash J.firece and gernades destroy your area to move around and your're forgetting about assits with a good chip assit Iceman has no chance against cable 1 on 1 just takes longer belive cable will beat iceman since iceman is not fast enough and does not have an air dash heh while cable's doing J.fierce and grenade iceman and just about any character can DASH under the shot and grenade...and diagnol icebeams with iceman in the air and cable on the ground is safe if you're high enough out of AHVB range...oh yaeh and cable's not necessarily a mags or storm either so how does iceman not being fast enough have anything to do with cable?? Posted by God_of_Poop on 01:13:2001 01:59 PM: quote: Originally posted by DUECE: heh while cable's doing J.fierce and grenade iceman and just about any character can DASH under the shot and grenade...and diagnol icebeams with iceman in the air and cable on the ground is safe if you're high enough out of AHVB range...oh yaeh and cable's not necessarily a mags or storm either so how does iceman not being fast enough have anything to do with cable?? OK you said iceman will run away from cable if he has the lead the fireces and the gernades dont allow him to run. meaning only the faster characters dont have to worry about the firces and gernades and like cable is atcually gonna be on the grounf for that long while cable is in the air. Posted by DUECE on 01:14:2001 07:02 AM: quote: Originally posted by God_of_Poop: OK you said iceman will run away from cable if he has the lead the fireces and the gernades dont allow him to run. meaning only the faster characters dont have to worry about the firces and gernades and like cable is atcually gonna be on the grounf for that long while cable is in the air. how are the fierces gonna stop iceman from running?? yaeh so cable will occasionally get a sj. fierce and force iceman to block...big deal there's no block damage in why does iceman need to worry so much about running when ALL he has to do is dodge cable's grenades and throw don't need to be fast to dodge the grenades Posted by God_of_Poop on 01:14:2001 07:10 AM: quote: Originally posted by DUECE: how are the fierces gonna stop iceman from running?? yaeh so cable will occasionally get a sj. fierce and force iceman to block...big deal there's no block damage in why does iceman need to worry so much about running when ALL he has to do is dodge cable's grenades and throw don't need to be fast to dodge the grenades Can you say Doom-B Spiral-A? Posted by DUECE on 01:14:2001 07:20 AM: quote: Originally posted by God_of_Poop: Can you say Doom-B Spiral-A? i thought we were just talking about ICEMAN v. CABLE one-on-one...i never mentioned anything about helpers Posted by llllllllll on 01:23:2001 10:38 PM: well, hopefully, this helps, but iM's beams only go in two directions, one-on-one, saying both you and the opponent lost the tow of your teams, cable's viperbeam, is a big advantage. pending, that you can AHVB x3. if not, play cable in a turtle, manner. jumping back, throwing the gernades, then viper beamin' when going down. i've found it quite hard to attack IM by jumping, because his launcher is very nasty, therefore sticking with the viper is an option. All times are GMT. The time now is 12:50 AM. Show all 32 posts from this thread on one page Powered by: vBulletin Version 2.2.4 Copyright © Jelsoft Enterprises Limited 2000, 2001.